Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Waiting Game may be over!

I just found out that CREAM recovery is a primary Twin Otter mission for tomorrow and possibly the two days afterwards. Weather and mechanical permitting (a really important phrase here), we'll fly out to the instrument, dismantle it, stuff the pieces into the little plane, and bring it all back to McMurdo, unload the plane into a truck, drive the parts to the hanger, unload them into the hanger, drive back into town, and collapse exhausted into our beds to be ready to do it all again the next day. That means that I will not be keeping up this blog for the next few days. I'll be leaving at dawn and returning at dusk. Er, wait a sec - no dawn and dusk here, so, ah, leaving early and returning late by these clocks in the land of perpetual light.

After all the bits and pieces get back we put everything in a big sea container, put a ribbon on it, and wish it bon voyage. THEN I am free to leave. I may make my Feb 1 departure date after all!

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