Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Polar Plunge

The Kiwis at Scott Base offered a Polar Plunge this evening. Any and all interested could go jump into the coldest waters on earth. The temperature is about -2C. High salinity keeps the water from freezing at the usual temperature. A hole in the ice serves as your pool. The air temp is just below freezing. After your jump, there is a hot tub to get feeling back in your extremeties. I talked to one person who jumped four times. Most go at least once in their birthday suits, then plunge in more modestly. This has to be a Kiwi outing because the powers that be in McMurdo would never sanction it. Too fun, I think.

Did I go? No. Sorry to disappoint. Most of my showers in McMurdo qualify as Polar Plunges. There is never hot enough water when I need it.

However, one of my (crazy) colleagues went and sends this photo of the setup. The next photo is of her swimming back to the ladder.


daveawayfromhome said...

That's insane, even with clothes on. Seriously. Just. Plain. Nuts.

Anonymous said...

Nice post

black trousers said...

Awesome! I want to go there and play Ice hockey.